Your Next 100 Days?


What are YOU planning to do in the NEXT 100 days to improve the lives of others–or yourself?  Here’s my plan:

(1) Together with my husband, we are going to make a bold financial move by finalizing the sale of our dream home and relocating to a community 60 miles from the big city of Los Angeles. We will purchase the new home with NO DEBT!  That’s right; DEBT FREE! This is one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever made to leave my awesome view and proximity to all that LA has to offer. The will of God is more important than the opinions of man.

(2) I will slow my pace, prayerfully accepting only engagements God approves.

(3) I will finish writing the book to empower women financially: THE ONE MINUTE MONEY MENTOR FOR WOMEN.{July 2017 update: Not finished yet!!! Pray for me!!}

(4) I will increase my prayer time and time in the Word. God has so much to say to me; I need more listening time!

What about YOUR NEXT 100 DAYS? Believe it or not, God has already planned them for you! The Word says so: “…all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be” Psalm 139:16 (NIV).  God knows the plans He has for you… Just Ask HIM!